Just be you!

Just be you!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Integrating the Self

Carl Jung throughout the first part of the ninth chapter Travels addresses the topic of consciousness from a particular perspective. The author, with the acceptance of an invitation from his friend embarks on a journey to North Africa. He describes the feels of being in a non-European country where no Christian conceptions prevailed. Through this comparison he exposes different scenarios which dentate the true difference he feels from his experience there and how he feels in this native land. 

During the section he narrates extensive examples of his time there and exposes his deep troubles and feelings between his conscious and unconscious self. He explains this concept by means of dreams he had in an attempt to fully understand the journey. He also exposes the differences he perceives in the culture and customs. Always comparing and undermining the country visited with Europe. 

All this was in an attempt to unconsciously find the part of his personality suppressed under the influence and pressures of being European, find a common modus vivendi to truly understand and know how his journey to North Africa change and influence his biased perspective.


My Journey

"I'm on the hunt for who I've yet not become"

And so, my journey began in the beautiful Island of Puerto Rico where I was born and raised. This small island with a huge array of possibilities, sites, amazing individuals, a traveler's destination, and our paradise.

The island which has seen me grow and develop to the women I am today, on the verge of commencing my next step in fulfilling my goals, has also given me the ambition to see and experience the world beyond its coasts. As I prepare myself to expand my horizons, its impossible my roots, my culture, my heritage which has propelled it all and commenced my never ending journey. 

As part of my journey one of  my goals is to explore the world and travel to France, Amsterdam, Fiji, Norway, the Maldives... Also many more places I have yet not even heard of. To enrich myself with different culture, places, people and ultimately experience new things. This in the company of my family and loved ones, and also have family trips to Aspen, Miami where we can all enjoy our company while in different scenarios.

Also, as part of my professional journey I've had the opportunity to visit the National Institutes of Health where I someday hope to
work or be affiliated to, and it introduced me to a whole new perspective towards the field of medicine. It also ignited in me the desire to pursue an MD/MS career.


In conclusion my journey has been enriching and fulfilling, but its just only beginning, all the while I look forward to my future journeys and where they will take me. In the meantime I remember and and maintain my priorities, ambitions, goals, etc.. in order to remind myself where I have traveled, the long road ahead and every place I wish to go and everything I wish to do in my life, alive in my consciousness. I have recently begun my journey journal where I express everything that I mentioned, it is a vivid remainder of the frailty and reality of life and its my constant reality check my subconscious and conscious speaking for me, my true self and feelings. 


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

An Autobiography: Me

            For as long as I can remember everything I’ve ever wanted to be as a professional was a doctor, live the thrills of saving lives. When I was 14, not actually knowing everything that encompasses the actual profession, I decided I wanted to be a surgeon. And so, I took matters into my own hands and started to do shadowing to various surgeons with different specialties. I loved everything about it immediately, and decided to dedicate my studies in pursuing my dreams. Little did I actually know then, about the long journey that awaited me.
            Growing up in a household with just my sister and mother was challenging. My father was never present. So as I began to understand the hardships of life and began enduring them myself, I knew I was lucky to have such a dedicated mother. She works harder as anyone I know to give my sister and I everything we ever need to achieve our goals and be successful. She is our role model, guide, best friend, confident… our everything. My father left home when I was two and I never saw him again until I was 6 and at the hospital and than when I was fourteen and then he disappeared again, but this time permanently. It’s an event that personally for me, changed me and marked my life. From that day on my perspective changed and I also understood and decided when it was my time to choose a life-long companion I had to be ready and aware of this sorts of events. It was particularly hard for me because I was as they call it a daddy’s girl; we had everything in common and understood each other in every aspect (school, sports, cooking, etc…). I always think of him and hope he’s well and to see him again. But that uncertainty of not even knowing where he is or if he’s even alive troubles me always. One of my most vivid memories was when I fractured my elbow when I was six, and my family rushed me to the hospital. I needed immediate surgery and there was a possibility I could loose my arm, but because my parents had shared custody we needed both my parents signature. My grandma almost lost it, but they managed to find him, and I saw him, he stayed until my anesthesia kicked in, but never saw him again until my fourteen years of age. Although unfortunate it certainly didn’t stop me when I recovered from surgery the first thing I said was if I could watch my surgery video, my mind was set.
            As I continued my studies in the biological field, there have been many unprecedented experiences that have influenced my perspective. Now I know better that studying biology does not predispose you to study medicine, and if that’s your perspective (in my opinion) is that you just don’t know about this very broad field. When I began my sophomore year in college I applied to an introductory research program at the Veterans Affairs Caribbean Healthcare System (VACHS). There were many competent applicants and I was honored and fortunate to be chosen. As I began this new chapter I was shocked to view the other face of medicine the pre-clinical and clinical research that serves as the basis for everything practiced. Instantly I was a match, and loved to invest my time there and investigate there. This opportunity opened so many doors in my career from presenting oral and poster presentations to having publications. My turning point was the summer before my senior year where I had the opportunity to present and attend a workshop at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Washington DC. Here I was exposed to other medical related fields and there I decided more profoundly I wanted to do a Masters in Research (MS).

            My life right up till know has been definitely a ride, and so it should be. Every decision and action has shaped me and defined me to be who I am today. There’s so much more to express about it and if you ask me the story would not end. I’m truly grateful for my virtues and defects, my accomplishments and my failures they are me. The best parts have not even started, and yet I look forward to new chapters and experiences all for achieving my goals and a healthy and successful life with my family.

The College Journey

   A time or period of travel, a passage or progress from one stage to the next one, a trip or a voyage, a journey portrays different concepts for all those walks of life without ambiguity.  Therefore, journey, can take the role of a metaphor.  It accomplishes this utilizing its internal and fundamental characteristics, as they can be representative of a process, achieving goals, physical travels, and the aforementioned examples of the walks of life. An example of a journey is college life, those four years or so of a bachelor’s degree in which one grows physically and mentally, a passage through stages where the student embarks in an internal journey to define his identity.
  During a student’s college years one changes, evolves, grows, learns… The student usually finds his true self, understands who and how he or she is, decides and prepares himself for the next step of his life. It’s precisely through this evolution that the student undergoes an intentional or sometimes unintentional discovery of his identity.  One of these identifiers is cultural identity; the student is predisposed to this factor continuously in college. The exposition to professors, friends, classmates who all have different mind sets and beliefs, shapes and has an innate effect in the student’s cultural identity.
   Through my college years I have definitely changed and shape my perspective of life, my future, my goals, and have developed a dissertation strategy to ultimately know what really is important and worth it. When I began my first year of college my mindset was to simply get straight A’s, get to medicine graduate school, have a swift passage during my college years with a lot of studying. I was in for a huge surprise to find out what I thought college to be, was not, I was shocked to be confronted with cheating, injustices, disrespect, students were not individual people just a quantifiable number.
    I was confronted with the realities of life, the real world, as we know it. The A was for the teacher, the B for the book and the C for the students. It was hard to adapt at first, then one became acquainted with the fact this was a survival of the fittest, and everyone else who shares the same goals is inevitably your competition whether you want it or not. As the years went by that stress and truth as I thought I knew it changed, the only thing that really mattered was your knowledge, your story, and my college years. And all was a matter of perspective, get surrounded by the right people, it was sometimes better to be alone, study and do your best, and you would eventually succeed in all your goals, proceed otherwise and the frustration would cloud your judgment and your path would be interrupted.
  The notion of identity in human society is based on two fundamental factors- the perception of sameness/difference and the instinctiveness of man to be a social being (Roberts).  Although you might be treated differently which implies the perception of difference and otherness, stick to what you know and your beliefs. You are what you know, and only true knowledge will set you free. One always learns something new and the only thing that is constant is change and so every time we learn so will our perspective, our journey will take a new shift and our identity will have a new piece integrated to the never ending puzzle.